The user research will reveal colors and themes that willhelp you develop an emotional connection with the target audience. What type ofcolors and styles will the end-users prefer? You can use different methods tocollect data from the potential users such as surveys, focus groups, designworkshops, etc. – don’t let users make all thedecisions. If you do,
you will end up designing an elephant like this…Horse 3. UX Wireframe The visual representation of the user interface is knownas UX wireframe. You have to create a structure of the user interface,transitions, and interactions. It must be based on market research, user Japan WhatsApp Number List research, competition, and strategy. You can use wireframing software or you cancreate a simple outline on a paper. Lay down the user flow as you want it toappear on the actual app.
UX Wireframe Sure it’s enough to wireframe the userinterface on paper. No need to do extra work. The simpler it appears, thebetter it will be. Wireframe sketch The purpose of UX wireframing is to definethe flow of the app such as the number of windows, buttons, where each buttonleads the user, the