That some plugins could cause contain bugs prove unsafe not be updated to the latest version of WP to the point that they are no longer compatible These are elements that are often underestimated and which can cause very serious damage to the website such as blacking out or the presence of viruses within it. There is a solution to this problem and it is also very simple but some very hasty web designers tend not to take it into consideration create periodic backups of the site keep WordPress updated to its latest version update the same plugins.
Check the reliability of the creators of each plugin before using it Purchase paid themes and plugins only from reputable resellers The slow opening of pages can cause a worsening of the user experience and a drop in positioning on Google slowness Phone Number Data of a WordPress site Another very obvious flaw in some sites developed in WordPress is also reported to us by Colombo . It concerns speed. As seen previously WordPress born as a blog platform must adapt to perform other tasks although this is still possible. The most difficult problem to resolve is linked to the excessive use of plugins and features of almost all WP themes available online.
The objective of those who develop them in fact is to offer the greatest number of tools possible to those who purchase them. In this way however the pages end up being full of unused features. The same thing can be said for plugins. Their excessive use makes WordPress a heavy and poorly performing platform. From the way I explained the problem the solution should also be obvious to you clean the purchased themes of everything that is not needed or not used delete all installed plugins that are not needed use plugins capable of improving site performance This last point although crucial requires a lot of attention from the webmaster.