From there click on the date dropdown menu and select the date range for the invoices you want to view. How to set target audience in Ads Manager In the Facebook Ads Manager you have to click on the navigation system at the top and go to the Target groups item. There you can Create your target group. You have various options to choose from for example Custom Audiences. You use this when you use the manager for the first time and can choose from many different criteria that are suitable for your target group. JanaJasper Jana Jasper Social media marketing manager at Advidera GmbH Co. KG.
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Ready for success Contact us now CTA Blog Subscribe to our blog Receive the best expert tips and news from the Advidera online marketing blog conveniently emailed to your inbox every week. Subscribe to NewsletterFacebook Video Ads This is what you need to know about advertising via moving images Social media Author image by Jana Jasper Jana Jasper Anyone who is active on Facebook knows that the posts posted often contain videos instead of static images. Why shouldnt you as an advertiser adapt to this development After all advertisers want their campaign to fit into the environment of the social media platform as well as possible.