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The Agency Strategy Acquisition Data Web Development Customer Case Blog Contact Apple vs Samsung wedding photo editing service Who is the real leader in technology and marketing Blog apple and samsung Digital The giants of the technology industry Apple and Samsung are competing for the leading position in the field of technology and marketing Who will emerge victorious In with the launch of the iPhone Apple gained the position of world leader in the smartphone market A position that remained unchallenged for many years until Samsung entered the race with the launch of the Samsung Galaxy model.
From then on the two giants of the technology industry Apple US and Samsung Korea entered into rivalry for the leading position in the field of technology and marketing Every year smartphone users have seen innovative stylish and functional products arrive on the market Today which of these two brands can claim to emerge victorious from this duel Eminence takes stock for you in this article War on innovation Apple has always been considered a leader in innovation in the consumer electronics industry and it benefits from global recognition and a particularly strong brand image.