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Compared to a €300 dress.









Rank: 1

發表於 2024-2-20 17:46:04 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
The contrast principle tells us precisely this: people are more inclined to buy that product that is shown to us as a second choice, compared to another product with a much higher price. contrast principle This rule is also valid in e-commerce, so if you offer a product at a high price, you can suggest a related product or advise the user to purchase a product at a lower price. If the user, however, is convinced to buy the more expensive product, he will most likely also purchase the one at the lower price due to the " I spend a little more,

but I have both " rule. Reciprocity When we receive a gift from someone, we often feel almost obliged to give a gift in return, or when we receive an invitation we feel inclined to invite that person back. Here is reciprocity, which can also be applied very well in electronic  Austria WhatsApp Number commerce . If you offer something to your potential customers, perhaps discounts, free products or anything that can bring added value to the user without necessarily having to purchase, the result will be that that same user will be more likely to take a positive action in your online store : subscription to a newsletter or a direct purchase. This is because if you offer something, the customer will be willing to give you something in return,

precisely because of the principle of reciprocity. The principle of scarcity This is, in my opinion, the most used principle and with the highest conversion rate. Seize the day as Robin Williams said in " Dead Poets Society" , and even in e-commerce it is essential to seize all opportunities, especially if they are limited in time. When a product is in short supply, think for example of discounted airline seat tickets, people feel the need to purchase that product before it runs out, precisely because it creates that sense of urgency that cannot be omitted. principle of scarcity So if your potential customer accesses your site to purchase a product, they may not want to purchase it immediately or have ,


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